See clearer, listen more, open you heart wider, and you'll be amazed of your own life
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Your Life, Your Inspiration: What My Heart Says
Monday, 8 November 2010
What My Heart Says

My heart doesn't say what people say:
People say never say I love you to anyone if you don't love yourself
I don't really love myself, but I love you really much
People say easy come easy go
But you came to my heart so easily, and have not left yet at all
People say love comes from our eyes then goes down to our heart
But my love to you comes from my heart then goes up to my eyes
People say in love we still have to use our logic
But my love to you is out of logic; it's out of logic, out of my intention, out of reach, and is out of control
People say letting someone whom we love go means letting someone better come into your life
I let you go. But someone better won't heal the wound
People say in happiness we will find many loves
But I found your love in my suffering
People say love makes us blind
But loving you makes me see everything clearer
People say this love is insane
But I'll be insane without this love
Does your heart say the same?
P.S: I thank my God upon every remembrance of you (Philippians 1:3)
Love is the best way,
Benedita Tanabi
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Your Life, Your Inspiration: From Love's Eyes
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Your Life, Your Inspiration: From Love's Eyes
Monday, 18 October 2010
Your Life, Your Inspiration: From Love's Eyes
From Love's Eyes

When the one whom you love does stupid things
Love's eyes see it as something unique
When the one whom you love treats you so badly that it cuts your heart like a knife
Love eye's see it as soft cotton that you need most when you're bleeding
When being with the one whom you love bleed your heart
Love's eyes see it as the only medicine to cure you; you need it as soon as possible, as much as possible
When people say that longing for the one who had left you is a stupid thing
Love's eyes see it as surviving from death; keeping the memories in your head helps you much to breathe
When being with the one whom you love means eating poisonous bread
Love's eyes see it as a bar of chocolate for a kid; so much more valuable than a bar of gold
When being with the one whom you love takes so much money from your pocket
Love's eyes see it as doing investment for your future
When walking with the one whom you love leads you to a steep ravine
Love's eyes see it as walking to the Heaven
When loving someone means just loving a fruit without eating it
Love's eyes see it as keeping it in a good condition; no scratches, no bites, no one can touch it
When loving someone means drowning at sea that you can't breathe
Love's eyes see it as diving with an oxygen tube on your back; see a different life which you never even knew before
When people say being with te one whom you love hides your way to success
Love's eyes see it as the way to an everlasting happiness
When being with the one whom you love means killing yourself
Love's eyes see it as a new life; born again and redeem the mistakes in your previous life
When your naked eyes see nothing
Love's eyes see everything
P.S: I thank my God upon every remembrance of you (Philippians 1:3)
Love is the best way,
Benedita Tanabi
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Your Life, Your Inspiration: Girls, have you ever found kinda guy like this? (G...
Girls, have you ever found kinda guy like this? (Guys need to read this, too)

A guy who doesn't even need time to fall in love with you
A guy who will say "so sweet of you" even when you do stupid and weird things
A guy who doesn't even need to see your physical appearance to love you
A guy who can feel you through the air; even from distance
A guy who wants to own everything on you; your life, your happiness, your griefs, your body..
A guy who keeps loving you even in his dream
A guy who will always be there when you need him
A guy who can't be away from you even just a second
A guy who had missed you even since the first meet
A guy who needs you without even knowing why
A guy who thinks that he's a patient and says that you're the only cure and medicine for him
A guy who desires you more than everything
A guy who always tries to like things which you like
A guy who always wants you to smile; never wants to see you worrying about anything
A guy who had kept his words to you even since you both didn't really know to each other
A guy who smiles when he thinks that you're smiling
A guy who feels happy when he talks to you
A guy who feels peaceful when he talks to you
A guy who says that you're beautiful even when you think you're not
A guy who always tries not to love you and realize that he can't at the end; he loves you too much
A guy who never be able to wait to see you again
A guy who always wants you to trust him
A guy who gets tortured because of you but still tries to be with you
We all wait for that kind of guy don't we?
P.S: If my Bahasa Indonesia asked me about what kind of paragraph it is. I would say descriptive one; yeah, it describes you. absolutely :')
Created by Benedita Tanabi
Inspired from my own life
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Your Life, Your Inspiration: When you think... Try to think...
When you think... Try to think...

When you think you are lonely
Try to think that it comes to realize you about the presence of people around you
When you think you are nothing
Try to think that every 'something' starts from nothing; every nothing can be something
When you think your future seems so dark
Try to think that all bright-futured people used to think that their future seemed so bright
When you think your life is so hard
Try to think that life is so simple; it's just you who make it hard
When you think your life never gives you chance to do good things
Try to think that life wants you to look for it and take it; not just accepting it with opened
When you think truth is so hurting
Try to think that it hurts you to make you open your eyes; see the reality
When you think love always runs away from you
Try to think that it wants you to wait for it to come and say hello; just wait, believe, and
never try to chase it
When you think your fate is not kind of fate that you want to have
Try to think that the fate came to you to give you something; something you really want to
When you think dreaming highly will be so hurting when you can't reach it
Try to think that dreaming lowly will take you to somewhere low; somewhere which will
never be higher than what you've been dreaming of
When you think being yourself is something hard to do
Try to think if being yourself was something hard to do, how could being someone else be so
When you think your life is crumbling in front of you
Try to think that if you were the one who crumble it, you must be the one who reassemble it;
not just stepping on it
When you think you want to go back to your past
Try to think if you went back to the past, who would take over the control of your future?
When you think all 'when you think' above are impossible
Try to think that everything starts from 'trying to think'
Love is the best way,
Benedita Tanabi
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Benedita Tanabi: Love Definitions Based on Subjects
Monday, 4 October 2010
Love Definitions Based on Subjects

- Math: Love is a product of two negative integers; it produces the positive ones only
- Physic: Love makes us feel the gravity force that works in us is zero; we fly
- Biology: In love, we are just like bisep and trisep; being relax when the other is doing contraction
- Chemistry: Love relationship is just like a covalent compound; each unsure use their electron valencies together to complete each other in reaching the perfectness
- Economy: In love, we are just like supply and demand; always try to reach the equilibrium point--the balance and the satisfaction point
- Geography: Love is a map; make you find the way when you are lost
- Sociology: When we have love, we have done all the social values and norms; cause love has them all
- History: In love, you don't need to arrange all your past chronologically to be easy to understand; they all have been attached in your heart automatically and it is only you who need to understand
- Civic: Our hearts are autonomous regions; they are free to fall in love in anytime, with anyone
- Art: Love can be the only thing you need to inscribe your brush, play your melody, and sculpt your stone. You just need one thing; a sincere heart
- Information and Communication Technology: Love is a moment when you find a right port in a CPU to plug your cable in
- Linguistic: Love is the most universal language; no words, no remarks--but still be the most understandable one
- Religion Education: Love is something that God gave us to complete each other; it is not made by human
- Physical Education: Do warming up before you fall in love or you will get heart accidents
Love is the best way,
Benedita Tanabi